Monday, June 22, 2009

Fun things I've seen lately...

I love spring! It's so easy to be uplifted in the spirit of life! The birds are singing, newly fledged meadowlarks are all over the roads and baby pronghorns are hiding in the grass. Craig actually touched a deer fawn that he came across in a meadow. Here are some photos of north-eastern Wyoming where I've been working...
Coal seam running through cliffs

Elk Antler

Mourning Dove Nest

Unidentified flowers (anybody recognize them?!?)

Sunday, June 7, 2009 JUNE!!?!?!

Does anyone else find it ridiculous that I'm sitting in my hotel room, unable to work because its snowing on June 7th!?! And I'm not on a mountain top or anything, Buffalo Wyoming is only at ~4,600 feet.
On a happier note, yesterday I found my first lark bunting nest - it had 6 beautiful blue-green eggs (an unusual number, I think the average is 4-5), and I flushed a Great Horned Owl which had been sitting in the shade of a sagebrush, with a pellet nearby which included the tiny vertebrae of a rodent.