Thursday, February 26, 2009


Just scored a great winter clearance deal on my first pair of snow boots! They are rated to -25 degrees (a little late, but if I end up in Wyoming this spring I will be glad I got them).

But the biggest news is that Craig's website is up! Check it out:

And please go to Care2 for the click-a-day donation program that partners with The Nature Conservancy to save 1 of 3 habitat types: rainforest, American prairie, or marine wetlands.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Craig's New Blog

I forgot the biggest news! Craig has created a new blog (Deanne, we are still working on the self-portrait!). It's really nice and he did all the html code himself, which I think is pretty cool.
Check it out:


Also coming soon will be his new, wedding-photography dedicated website. Hopefully it'll be complete in the next week.

Still thinking about spring...

Well, despite another dusting of snow, it seems like the days are getting longer and I have been thinking about building a cold frame so I can go ahead and plant lettuce and spinach next month, instead of waiting til mid-April. I haven't made one before but it looks pretty easy, here's what the finished frame would look like (hopefully!):

It probably won't look as pretty as this one! Instead of window panes, I might use plastic, or find some old panes from a salvage place/flea market. I've found some links about building plans on Mother Earth News. It's my favorite website! So many interesting and practical tips.
Next I am looking forward to choosing what tomato varieties we are going to have this year, any recommendations? I'm going to be using some giant pots I salvaged from our neighbors shed- they are about the size of 10-gallon buckets, maybe a little larger.
Another score from the shed was a bike! Its not in great shape, but I'm hoping to take it to the local bikeshop and see what it would take to get it going.
It's a boy's bike, but does that really matter? Haven't really ridden a bike in years, other than a couple times just cruising around, not dealing with traffic.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Return of Winter

Happy Valentine's Day!
We woke up to a snowy wonderland....

Went for a walk so Craig could take some photos using his new flash and I took a few too. Later we took part in the Audubon Society's Great Backyard Bird Count. This year it goes from Feb 13-16, so if you want to participate, its not too late! Instead of staying at home we went to a city park, but even in the park it was pretty quiet thanks to the newly fallen snow and blustery temperatures.

My Valentine!

Mourning dove tracks on our front porch

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Take action!

Since the House and Senate are now going to debate the final economic recovery plan this is a perfect time to take action and urge your representatives to support clean energy with some of that money - it'll create new jobs and help ween us off of oil! Please follow this link:

Every voice counts!

and check out this new take on wind energy:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kale on the Rise

Fast progress on my little sprouts!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Seed planting time!

Well, despite the 3 inches of snow last week, the instructions on the back of my basil and kale seed packets don't lie - it's time to start seeds indoors to get ready for spring! I am so excited because I only started mine a couple days ago and already I've got brave green little leaves poking through the dirt! I can feel the warm breeze through the trees already.....