Craig and I just took a week's vacation to canoe in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota. It's a land of berries, loons, and leeches. Thankfully the leeches were mostly found on the ends of our hooks, a tasty temptation for small-mouth bass and northern pike. The blueberries and raspberries were insane! We feasted on berries and fish (and the occasional mac & cheese burrito - coming soon to a store near you).
Gwen and Ross
Craig with his first small-mouth bass
I think we were all baptized by a leech between the toes during the week, only Ross was lucky enough to have a mom with babies attach!
Paddling through the lilypads
We also spent some time recently working nights, spotlighting and catching sage grouse to attach radio-transmitters, which happily coincided with the Perseids meteor shower.

Prior to that we spent some time mapping prairie dog habitat in the Pinedale area, which put us close to the Tetons, where we got to meet up with friends and go hiking in the ominous-sounding, but very beautiful Death Canyon.
Lost prairie dog
Yellow-bellied marmot

Death Canyon
Death Canyon