Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Wrath of Facebook

The mighty fist of Facebook is coming down hard.
In my paranoia of giving personal info to giant companies, I usually lie about addresses, phone numbers and dates of birth on things like Safeway grocery store card applications. That's right, my secret is out. In order to save $.15 on apples, I will falsify information. Why do they want it anyway? And those new promotions where they send you coupons or give you points toward gas are a fairly new occurrence, whitewashing whatever nefarious gains they are receiving from selling our information to...who?? Not to mention that our information is available from way too many sources (anybody ever googled someone and seen 123people.com - creepy!), we've all heard the horror stories of identity theft.
So when I first signed up for a Facebook account and they asked for my date of birth, naturally, I made one up. Then I traveled to Wyoming and tried to sign in to my account. This triggered a security measure I'd never encountered before, I had to enter my name and password, then type in the words I saw in those crazy swirly words, and THEN they asked for my date of birth...
and you see, dear reader, the problem with a fake birthday is that it's even harder to remember than a real one, and apparently lying about your date of birth to Facebook is a violation of their terms of agreement.
And so my Facebook page has been suspended.
Oh the humanity.... what is happening to Deanne in lab? Has Amy posted any photos of Ron dressed as the Easter bunny, distributing candy eggs to the kids? Who has reached 1 trillion points in FarmVille or Aquariumworld or Ninja Wars? Arghhhhh!!!!! It's killing me!
And worst of all, Craig has finally joined Facebook, forming both a personal page and a Craig Okraska Photography page. His friend request is languishing somewhere in the netherworld of the interweb and I am powerless to accept it.
You will all only be hearing from me by...sniff, sniff... phone or email from now on, unless Facebook shines it's forgiveness upon me.


CRO said...

hello?..(echo, echo, echo), HELLO?..(echo, echo, echo)....(screaming) Can anyone hear me? I'm lost in Facebook limbo and I can't find Anika. Can someone please tell her what year she was born?

anika said...

Hee hee! At least blogspot doesn't require random bits of personal information!

arielsong88 said...

Hardcore, Facebook! Don't worry... Anika will best you. I can feel it.

Amos said...

Hahaaaaaa...All I can do is laugh (and it is at you, not with you)! Will they seriously not let you reopen your account??? Just blame it on a typo error!

anika said...

I didn't realize that making up a fake dob was wrong, so I blatantly revealed it in my first email to them, asking for help. Dumb, huh?
What's weird is I didn't realize how often I go on it to check what people are up to. I don't even post things that often, but I do like to see what other people are up to.

anika said...

Ha-ha!!! FB has re-instated me! My trials and tribulations are at an end. ie. I probably won't post on my blog for another 6 months or so... ;)

Letitia Coyne said...

Thanks for the big ups on the stories, Anika. I'm glad you enjoyed them. 4th due soon - BUT re your post, tip - 6/6/1966. Easy, and I never forget it even if I forget my own and sometimes even my son's.
Warm regards,