Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Music everyone should hear!

Hi everyone, this is going to be another short post. I promise I'm going to get some more pictures up soon, especially b/c we'll be moving into our new place (really it will be Craig's place, but I get to play house and put up decorations on the walls and help start the garden, so that's pretty sweet!).

Oh, and did I mention that our new apartment is 2 blocks from the New Belgium Brewery and 1 block from Odell Brewing Company (yes that is an imperial stout they're advertising)! With that in mind, we are now accepting reservations for overnight stays at very reasonable rates.

In the meantime, everyone should check out this hazyshade productions website and listen to the music and buy the Cycle of Addiction cd. If you are lucky enough to live in the Virginia area and hear Kirsten sing live, I envy you.


arielsong88 said...

Like Odell Lake?

And I do believe I am already in possession of some of these songs . . . I can't imagine where I got them! :P

Also, is it possible to get discounted rates for VIP visitors?

anika said...

For you we can work something out...

We'll have to pursue the Odell Lake angle, perhaps that could be the next motion picture blockbuster after Oregon Trail gets made.... maybe we'll start our own production company...

Kelly Wong said...

I LOVE New Belgium Brewery!!!!