1. Jimmy Carter was the first U.S. president to be born in a hospital.
2. Martin van Buren, the 8th U.S. president was the first prez to be born in the US!
3. James Madison was the first president to wear long pants (versus knee-length breeches).

Hope that helps get you through the day!
Fact: Ron Paul returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
I don't have any information about boxers vs briefs, however.
Hey! I think this might be the most awesome subversive thing I have ever seen, and I had to share.
Ron Paul's campaign is about to sponsor its own NASCAR.
Gee, mainstream media, how are you going to get around that?
Ma'am, as the administrator of this site I'm going to have to ask you to keep your political propaganda to a minimum. Comments should apply to my super-interesting blog updates only.
Thank you.
Just kidding!!!
!Yay Ron Paul!
Will there be many Nascar events in the next couple of months? Also, if this doesn't work out, do you think he'll try again next election?
Apparently there are 40 weeks worth of NASCAR events starting this weekend, so yes! Lots of NASCAR events! All the way through to October (if my math is right . . .)!
Also, he is also trying to run for re-election to his seat in the House at the same time that he is running for president. So I don't know if he'll run for president again, but I know he'll keep trying to serve in congress.
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